After feasting on the leftovers from my sister's 65th Bday party I'm prepared to have Cheerios for dinner tonight. Jennifer(my niece) was kind enough to package up some food and send it in with Ken(my brother). It was a nice change from Lean Cuisine or expensive restaurants.
My next project is to try out some mattresses(one of my tougher assignments). If you never hear from me again you'll know I got a permanent job snoozing for the mattress company.
The council had their final meeting re my auto door opener installation for the front of my building. Keep your fingers crossed. If they don't approve it I've already decided to go to Human Rights and to court. I must win for other disabled persons as well as myself. Let's hope I don't have to go that far but if I do, I want all of you with your banners and placards outside the courthouse when the trial is on. Please dress flamboyantly and come in wheelchairs. I'll keep you updated.
On Thursday I go for another breathing test at VGH. I'm hoping that my score hasn't decreased below 80%. If it has, they may suggest BiPap which is similar to the mask worn for sleep apnea(CPap). BiPap is used for ALS patients to help them breath in and out(muscles are weak) while CPap keeps a continuous flow of air to prevent the sleep apnea person from waking up short of breath. This is more than you needed or wanted to know I'm sure. I'm not looking forward to an addition to my medical assist devices, however, I will do my best to deal with whatever is suggested. I'll just complain to my friends!
Now I must go and do some serious work. I have a book to read.