Welcome to my blog. I have had ALS for 10 years now.

Since I started this blog in June 2008 I've had amazing feedback. Family, friends, people from all over North America, Australia, Scotland, England, and places I can't recall, have commented, encouraged and corresponded. I had no idea when Cynthia taught me how to set this up, how much I would love posting and how many people would read it. I want to say THANK YOU to everyone who has helped propel this therapeutic exercise into a daily routine. All of you, both friends and visitors, are now part of my blog family. Welcome.

From Go Pro

From Go Pro
View from my living room

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A walk(ride) to Vanier Park

Travelling west along the ocean-side I visited the Kid's Festival site. I had hoped to photograph some kites flying but the wind was weak so no one ventured out. Oh well--next time.
However, the sun shone and once again I got to marvel at our city's beauty. On days like this I forget about ALS and simply enjoy the moment.
The photos were taken by Tess(care aide) and me. We ended our outing with Fish 'n Chips at the Oyster Bar.
Once again--a very good day.

1 comment:

Alice said...

looks like you had a great day! i love the totem pole in that one shot - pretty interesting. and i always love pictures of your area you live it - so colorful and beautiful!