This new program called Proloquo2go will be available in a few weeks for use on an iPod or iPhone. I'll be able to program it for the phrases I'll use most often, and wear it on a lanyard around my neck when out on my power chair. It won't be my voice but a voice just the same.
It will only be a short term answer as when I can no longer push buttons I will need a laptop or tablet mounted on the arm of my power chair. I will control it by head clicks or eye movements. You might find this discouraging/depressing but I look at it as a gift of modern technology. Imagine what it was like for ALS patients many years ago. I can't imagine not being able to communicate. The silence must have been incredibly frustrating.
Adapt, adapt, adapt--it's the only way to stay in the game.
hi karyn, i've been in and out of town so much lately. kali is doing the traveling tournament circuit with speech and debate. she's already done well enough that she will be representing the state of Florida in regional competition and hopefully nationally as we head into summer. anyway, that's why i haven't commented much lately. we're on our way to north carolina this morning for another 4 day tournament.
i think it's awesome that technology has increased so much in the past few years. i told you once before i had a friend with ALS about 10 years ago. the technology changes just since then are overwhelming. and i've learned so much from you that i wish i knew when my friend was journeying through ALS. so much i didn't understand then and that i would do differently now. you are a blessing and a treasure to me. i pray for a great week for you!
oh yeah, i love the picture in your sidebar of the white cat have a fabulous hair day! so funny! and so true, at least for me - lol! my cat's hair usually looks better than mine :O)
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