Welcome to my blog. I have had ALS for 10 years now.

Since I started this blog in June 2008 I've had amazing feedback. Family, friends, people from all over North America, Australia, Scotland, England, and places I can't recall, have commented, encouraged and corresponded. I had no idea when Cynthia taught me how to set this up, how much I would love posting and how many people would read it. I want to say THANK YOU to everyone who has helped propel this therapeutic exercise into a daily routine. All of you, both friends and visitors, are now part of my blog family. Welcome.

From Go Pro

From Go Pro
View from my living room

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Read all about it!

Warren Buffet

Equities will almost certainly outperform cash over the next decade, probably by a substancial degree. These investors who cling to cash now are betting they can efficiently time their move away from it later. In waiting for the comfort of good news, they are ignoring Wayne Gretzky's advice: "I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been."

1 comment:

Alice said...

I love your new shot from your window. The rainbows are awesome! What a wonderful view to wake up to each morning.