I'm a little tired these days but managing to get out just the same.
Yesterday I went on a shopping excursion and it took me forever to try on a few pairs of capris. Getting my shoes on has become a labor of love so dealing with my slow limb responses in a shop change room was a challenge of great magnitude. My friends are so VERY patient. I'm sure they will all become saints after my demise.
Today I had my modified barium swallow test at UBC. They didn't see any blockage or extreme muscle slowness. They agreed that my coughing is due to some weakness but with a few changes to my diet I should be fine for now. I can still go out for lunch. Yahoo!
My brother is arriving tonight and we hope to purchase a small power chair tomorrow for indoors and the occasional outdoor adventure. The new one will be much narrower than the one I have for 'off roading' through the park. Starbucks will be pleased to see me clearing the door frame and leaving the garbage container upright. They're so picky!
I have posted a new inspirational movie clip on the right. Click on "A Gift for You." Enjoy.