ALS is also called . . .
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Sclérose latérale amyotrophique
Lou Gehrig's Disease
Maladie de Lou Gehrig
Motor Neuron Disease (MND)
Maladie de Charcot
ALS is a rapidly progressive fatal neuromuscular disease.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Nerve cells degenerate
Muscles are paralyzed
Generally the intellect & senses are unimpaired
ALS can strike anyone.
Male or female
Any ethnic origin
At any age
Some have been diagnosed as teens
Usual onset is in middle age
80% die of ALS within two to five years of diagnosis
Some will die within a few short months
Some people live longer
Some cases are hereditary.
Less than 10% are familial ALS
ALS is not contagious
Approximately 2,500-3,000 Canadians currently live with ALS.
Every day two or three Canadians die of ALS.
ALS is the most common cause of neurological death
ALS strikes the whole family.
90% of home care is shouldered by family caregivers
ALS is a costly disease - emotionally, physically and financially
ALS Society Unit provides quality care
Information and referrals
Support for the person with ALS and their family
Equipment programs
The ALS Society of Canada funds excellent and relevant research into the cause of ALS
Research is our best hope
Partner with us for a cure – Call 1-800-267-4257
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